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Four to Go

Tasty Wisconsin block cheeses from B. Kurt Dairy


Four to Go

A double pat on the back to all the hearty folks who came out to market last weekend during the wind and rain. Despite the bad weather, we huddled close and ended up with a nice, albeit smaller, market.

The good news is we have four more Saturdays to enjoy, as we've added an extra bonus market week on November 11th. While we cannot guarantee the sunny warm days of August markets, we can safely say there'll be plenty of tasty finds to warm you inside and out.

The look and feel of fall is here in force now, but there's still summer finds to enjoy like the last field ripened tomatoes and fresh green bell and sweet red peppers from Happy Valley Farm (pictured). Let the flavors of summer warm you up with this delicious roasted red pepper and tomato soup recipe

Four remaining markets also call out to those looking for the last few special finds of the season. This weekend Bryant Family Farms will be offering whole fresh, never frozen, Muscovy ducks. This thin-skinned, low in fat duck makes a great roast with fresh aromatics and herbs.

Speaking of aromatics, now is the time to load up fridges and root cellars with fresh carrots, like these pictured purple and orange beauties from Shoua Vang.

It's not just the aromatics that store well, many tasty root crops will last well into the holiday season, like rutabagas from Blue Community Farm (pictured). Either as a replacement for classic potatoes or an addition to your holiday tables, give this mashed rutabaga recipe a try and savor the warm yummy goodness of this humble vegetable.

For those looking for new ideas for all the great fall offerings, don't forget we are selling copies of the new "The Dane County Farmers’ Market Cookbook: Local Foods, Global Flavors" by Terese Allen up at the Info Tent each week. The book is full of wonderful recipe ideas built around local market offerings and not only will inspire you, but makes a great gift for the upcoming holiday season.

This weekend is looking to be more of an enjoyable fall day, with temps in the 50's and no rain in sight, perfect for strolling the market with a caramel apple in hand as you load up on all your autumn essentials. We'll take those kind of market days, as often as we can get them.

See you at the market!

Ben Zimmerman

Market Manager

As a reminder to everyone, dogs are prohibited within the market area, though we welcome service animals at all times.

P.S. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram


Dane County Farmers' Market Cookbooks Now for Sale!

We are very happy to announce the brand new "The Dane County Farmers’ Market Cookbook: Local Foods, Global Flavors" by amazing food writer Terese Allen will now be available for purchase at the Info Tent.

The book is bursting with great stories and recipes built around the unique and vibrant farmers market scene Madison has to offer. Find new and delicious ways to utilize your market finds, while supporting the market.

Copies will be available this Saturday at the Info Tent. The books sells for $35 and can be purchased with cash, check or Venmo.

You may also preorder a copy by emailing us at:


Vendor Notices - October 21

Madison Sourdough will be absent from the market this Saturday, October 21st. They will return October 28th.

Daily Vendors:

Alice Good Coffee

B. Kurt Dairy

Steppin’ Out Foods

What Got Gathered


Neither wind nor rain can keep Natasha of ParKelm Farm from bringing us the best in locally raised pastured pork


North, south, east or west; it's a breeze to get to our new market location

with easy access off of both Whitney Way and Mineral Point Road.


Our many thanks to Snaggle Tooth Arts of Wayward Tattoo for the market rabbit graphic!



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