Market Divas

First watermelons of the season from Flyte Family Farms
Market Divas

They're beautiful, they're divine, they're in your face and want your attention.
That's right, we're talking about those show-off market finds that simply can't be ignored this time of year.
The torpedo onions from Blue Moon Community Farm (pictured) are sleek, slender, and delicious when grilled up in this recipe.
Heirloom tomatoes can't seem to get enough of the spotlight and with broad varieties of flavors and colors to be found, who can blame them.
The apples starting to roll in are ready to be the star, but those perfumed peaches (pictured) from Door County Fruit Market have something to say about who's #1 this time of year.

While the peaches might be jealous, they're in a losing battle as we'll be welcoming more apples this coming weekend from Pleasant Springs Orchard as they make their return to market.
Flashy fresh produce can spar for attention all they want, but it is Wisconsin after all and the lure of a luscious cheese will always gain points with market goers. It's hard to pass on that creamy fontina from Landmark Creamery or a block of one year-aged sharp white cheddar from B. Kurt Dairy.

Cut flowers may be all flash, but you can't argue with the classics. Artfully arranged bouquets from Hope & Hill Flower Co. (pictured) win over hearts and salve disagreements for a reason.
Not everything in the market world is a beauty contest. Celeriac, turnips and kohlrabi don't make their way onto our plates with good looks, but when you're smack dab in the middle of August surrounded by beauty queens, you might as well admire the stars.
See you at market!
Ben Zimmerman
Market Manager
For the safety of our shoppers, we ask you to please walk your bikes through the market.
As a reminder to everyone, dogs are prohibited within the market area, though we welcome service animals at all times.
Vendor & Weekly Market Notices
Sai's Garden will be absent from the market this Saturday, August 17th. They will return the following week.
Daily Vendors - Saturday, August 17th:
Atoms to Apples
Colos Olive Oil
Country Bloomers Greenhouse
The Deliciouser
Hope & Hill Flower Co.
Inspired Alchemy
Pecatonica Valley Farm
Steppin' Out Foods
Dreamfarm will be absent from the market Saturday, August 24th.
Food Scrap Collection at the Market!
Beginning July 20th, Sustain Dane is expanding its free Food Scraps Drop-Off program to the Westside Community Market. According to the Wisconsin DNR, our landfills consist of 14.5% food that would be traditionally edible, and 6% “food scraps” (like peels). Take action and bring your food scraps to Sustain
Dane’s Westside Market booth on Saturdays from July 20th to November 2nd*, from 7:00 AM to 12:30 PM.
They can accept the following materials:
Raw Fruits
Raw Vegetables
Coffee Grounds
Loose Tea
Plain Pasta/Rice
They cannot accept the following:
Cooked Foods
Produce Stickers & Twist Ties
“Compostable” Bags
“Compostable” Utensils (Forks, Plates, Cups, etc.)
Paper Products
To date, this free public program has composted over 36,000 pounds. Compost buckets will be available at the first market to use for the remainder of the program.
Missed a market day? Bring your scraps to one of their other locations at the South Madison or Eastside Markets on Tuesdays.
All collected scraps are taken to Neighborhood Food Solutions (NFS) Farm which supports formerly incarcerated individuals in urban agriculture and teens in entrepreneurial and agricultural training. NFS
provides farming opportunities for community members who may not normally have access and resources to learn about and participate in farming. With this partnership, food scraps collected at the farmers markets will help to rebuild and create healthy soil at the farm to continue growing produce.
This program is in partnership with the City of Madison and Neighborhood Food Solutions. Learn more about the program here.
*The extension of the Westside Community Market food scraps recycling site is part of a youth led Sustain Dane initiative through the Youth Climate Action Fund focusing on youth engagement in food composting.”
